Engineering, Consulting and Projects


Engineering, Consulting and Projects

Sugar-Energy sector:

• Development, design and licensing of technologies and equipments.
• Partnership in research of new technologies and industrial solutions.
• Master plan, basic engineering, detailing and implementation projects complete plants juice extraction, bagasse system and sugar transport.
• Industrial Diagnosis.
• “Due Diligence”.
• Solutions for processing of the cane-energy.

Other Sectors:

• Development, design and licensing of technologies and equipments.
• Partnership in research of new technologies and industrial solutions.

About the company

EMPRAL was founded in 1982 by our director (Sydney Brunelli Eng) and Mr. Carlos Tambellini (deceased in 2010) as an Industrial Engineering Company, focused mainly in the Sugar-Energy market. It operates also in the soybean and citrus sectors.
The EMPRAL Piracicaba was created in 2010 after division of EMPRAL, which originated EMPRAL Piracicaba and EMPRAL Jaboticabal.
EMPRAL Piracicaba researches, develops and licenses projects of equipments.
We have two offices in the Piracicaba city, São Paulo state. With wide and modern facilities, we have a complete infrastructure, equipped with high technology in IT resources and communication.