Calculations of the DVU®Here you can calculate the differences in implantation cost (initial investment), maintenance and energy consumption among various options of feeding and cane preparation. hourly grinding 700 TCH Daily grinding 16.800 TCD Crop 210 days rop efficiency 86% Crop Grinding 3.000.000 TCC
Prices of equipments based on August/2011 Price of the MW/hour R$ 140,00 Equipments: - Following the most rigid standards for each application, included safety at work. - Rigid quality control and performance guarantee. - Gears, motors and inverters of first line companies. | Calculations of the AdvantagesResults of calculations: 1) Consider the difference in the sum of values of the equipments for cane feeding and milling (complete with drive) assembled in the plant. *1 *¹ as freight would influence practically identical way in all options here represented, the location of the plant does not change the results of this comparative. Excludes civil base.*² *² we do not consider here the civil bases , however the solution with DVU, compared to the others solutions, is that requires less cubic meters of concrete in the foundations. 2) Energy consumption: Consider the difference in energy consumption , calculated and determined! 3) Maintenance: Consider the difference in annual maintenance cost of equipments! Included maintenance of chains , for example ( exchange + one reform) Excluded maintenance with gears, motors and inverters.*³ Excluded welding and hammers exchange .*4 *³ Tends to be lower in the installation with DVU, because it has fewer equipments. *4 We don't have complete statistics, because 2011 was the first crop of operation of the DVU®. Soon: Calculations for 1400 TCH and comparison with layout Tongaat shredder |